Another article in the New York Times got me thinking about the various ways in which blogs can and are being used in the classrooom:
I found this article especially relevant given that it was about a 2nd grade class.
I have drawn out a few of the most interesting ideas expressed in this article....
"School Web sites are labor-intensive and are left up to administrators and teachers," said Mr. Grunwald, whose consulting firm in Washington focuses on the technology link between home and school. "With blogging intended to be a vehicle for students, the labor is built in. The work that is required to refresh and maintain an interesting blog is being provided by students."
Mr Gunwald predicts that blogs will eventually become a more successful teaching tool than Web sites.
One way teachers say they use blogs is to continue spirited discussions that were cut short or to prolong question-and-answer periods with guest speakers.
"With blogs, class doesn't have to end when the bell rings," said Will Richardson, supervisor of instructional technology and communications at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, N.J., who maintained blogs for two journalism classes he taught last year.
It is exciting to think that blogs allow for the expansion of the learning space beyond the classroom door.
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